Ever wonder what the difference is between an OUI (operating under the influence) charge and a DUI (driving under the influence) charge? Truth be told, there isn’t much difference at all. It just so happens that Massachusetts uses the OUI standard, whereas other...
Proven Results. Personalized Service. Attorneys You Can Trust.
Month: October 2016
3 Things to Consider When Hiring a Swansea, MA Criminal Defense Lawyer
Hiring a lawyer can be an overwhelming and stressful time, especially if you’ve just suffered a personal injury or are facing criminal charges. But despite the added stress that led to your need for an attorney, it’s important to remember that hiring a criminal...
What Happens When You’re Unsatisfied with The Executor of a Will in Fall River?
When someone passes away, the heartache and struggles felt can last far longer than the mourning period. This is particularly the case in scenarios where no formal will was created, no executor of will was formally appointed, and there is quite a bit of assets that...
With Dog Bites in Fall River, Can the Landlord Be Held Responsible?
If a landlord has a tenant whose dog bites someone, can that landlord be held responsible? It’s a question we’re often asked by our Greater Fall River clients, and for good reason. Many times, if a tenant’s dog bites someone, the injured party wants to file a claim...
How Much is My Car Accident Case Worth – Insight from a Fall River Attorney
Nobody wants or expects to get into a car accident, but here in the Greater Fall River area, car accidents happen on a near-daily basis. Sometimes those accidents amount to little more than a minor bumper scratch, or less. But what happens when more significant damage...
Slip and Fall Cases in Greater Fall River-Determining Defects in the Property
There are many potential causes behind the various slip and fall claims found throughout Fall River, Somerset, Attleboro, and beyond. Sure, there are times when no one is to blame for a fall that results in personal injury; however, that’s not always the case....
Slip and Fall Injuries Inside a Building – Do You Have a Claim in Fall River?
Many times, when people think of slip and fall cases, they instinctively think about accidents that happen outside of a property. This includes slipping on icy sidewalks or walkways, or tripping over a pothole in the street. However, these aren’t the only slip and...
In Fall River, MA Can I Cut Down Limbs from A Neighbor’s Tree?
It’s one of the age-old neighbor vs. neighbor arguments – and residents of Fall River, MA are certainly not immune. Can you cut down limbs from a neighbor’s tree, if those limbs are hanging over your side of the property line? Folks living in The Flint, Downtown,...
Preparing for Your Deposition Sabra and Aspden PA Personal Injury Attorneys in the Greater Fall River Area
Are Massachusetts Police Required to Come to the Scene of an Accident?
If you’ve ever been in a car accident in Fall River, New Bedford, or the surrounding area, then your insurance company more than likely asked you for a copy of the accident report filed with the police. That police report serves as a staple item for assessing damage...